For Immediate Release: February 15, 2023

Contacts: 伊莎贝拉·贝里斯坦(Isabella Beristain),西班牙BG大游集团(Centro Legal de la Raza).org | 916-420-1057

Andrea Reyes,多洛雷斯街社区服务| Andrea [@] | 415-857-7726

Oren Nimni, Rights Behind Bars | oren[@] | 202-540-0029

Diana Block, CCWP | diana[@]  | 415-484-9360


Currently Detained in Tacoma, Washington

OAKLAND, CA –  本周,来自加州和美国各地的120多个组织发送了一份 open letter 向移民和海关执法局(ICE)领导层要求该机构停止拘留和驱逐对监狱工作人员实施性虐待的非公民. In the letter to Acting Director Tae D. Johnson, Principal Legal Advisor Kerry Doyle, and several other officials, 倡导团体表达了对非公民的支持 sexually abused by staff at the notorious Federal Correctional Institute at Dublin (FCI Dublin), and those who faced retaliation for reporting misconduct by prison employees. 六名都柏林FCI幸存者和证人的律师和辩护律师目前被移民拘留在 Northwest ICE Processing Center (NWIPC) in Tacoma, 华盛顿已经向移民和海关执法局提交了正式请求,要求释放他们的客户,保护他们不被驱逐出境. ICE has not yet responded.

Over the past several years, a sprawling criminal investigation, multiple Congressional inquiries, 以及国家媒体的报道都揭露了都柏林联邦女子监狱的工作人员, 加州性侵了无数在押人员. Since June 2021, federal prosecutors have indicted five former FCI Dublin employees for sexually abusing incarcerated people. 法庭记录显示,大多数被起诉的驻都柏林联邦调查局官员虐待移民妇女, 联邦调查人员依靠了数十名非公民受害者和证人的证词. In December 2022, a jury found former warden Ray Garcia guilty of sexually abusing three incarcerated women, 其中一名妇女在审判中作证说,她没有合法证件,面临被驱逐出境. Former guard Enrique Chavez and former Chaplain James Highouse have recently been sentenced to years in prison for raping incarcerated women; victims of both men have already been deported by ICE.

Andrea Reyes, 他是多洛雷斯街社区服务中心的律师,代表了目前被ICE拘留在NWIPC的六名FCI都柏林幸存者之一, 声明称:“我们的信息很明确:ICE能够而且必须释放NWIPC的六名女性,她们在都柏林FCI的员工虐待和报复中幸存下来, 停止拘留和驱逐遭受联邦监狱工作人员性虐待的非公民幸存者和证人.”

The Dublin Prison Solidarity Coalition, 现在和以前在都柏林FCI工作的人的伙伴关系, have spoken with dozens of people abused at FCI Dublin. 幸存者的故事清楚地表明,工作人员从事了令人发指的不当行为,包括性骚扰, assault, 强奸——并且专门针对非公民和非英语国家的女性进行虐待. 以下证词提供了对这些危害人类的可怕行为的看法: 

  • T. 曾多次被FCI都柏林警卫殴打,并在举报虐待后遭到严重报复. ICE detained her when she was released from prison, and she’s now at NWIPC facing imminent deportation. She shared: “These guards abused us because we were immigrants. 他们告诉我们,他们可以为所欲为,因为我们将被驱逐出境. 他们用种族主义的名字称呼我们,并对我们大喊“滚回”自己的国家. 他们知道自己在做什么,而移民局正在帮助他们逃脱惩罚.”
  • A., who was sexually harassed by a guard at FCI Dublin, 目睹了多名狱警性侵其他在押女性, is also detained by ICE at NWIPC and facing deportation. She stated: “我们都受到了发生在FCI都柏林的创伤. Being in detention is only making it worse. 我们没有得到任何心理保健,我们与孩子和亲人分离. We don’t deserve this double punishment. We deserve to be home with our families, 我们应该有机会从这些人对我们造成的伤害中恢复过来.”
  • Advocates report that ICE已经驱逐了至少7名被FCI都柏林工作人员性侵犯的女性. R., 她被关押在都柏林联邦调查局时被一名警卫性侵,出狱后被驱逐到墨西哥, shared: “在我被驱逐出境后,那个虐待我的官员跟着我去了墨西哥. He abused me sexually, physically, 在我最终能够摆脱他之前,我在心理上已经煎熬了两年.” S.目前被ICE拘留在NWIPC,即将被驱逐出境,他说:“我个人认识四名女性,她们被FCI都柏林的警卫性侵犯并被驱逐出境. I was abused by a guard, and now I’m facing deportation. I do not want to be next.
  • Advocates also report that 至少有15名都柏林FCI工作人员性虐待的幸存者和证人目前正处于驱逐程序中, 包括许多协助联邦调查人员的女性. L.他在前典狱长加西亚的审判中作证,他说:I was abused by my partner before prison, I was abused by the staff at Dublin, and now I’m being abused by the system. 我帮政府打赢了他们的案子,但政府想把我驱逐出境. 我只想留在这里,和我的孩子们在一起.”
  • At least 8 .仍被国际刑警拘留的都柏林国际刑警幸存者和证人是移民拘留者的对象, 服刑期满后将面临拘留和驱逐出境. C., 她是一名幸存者,目前被关押在都柏林FCI,离她的释放日期还有几周时间, shared: “几个星期前,一名移民和海关执法局的官员来找我,告诉我他们要对我的移民申请施加限制. 我告诉他:我被一个联邦监狱看守强奸了,他被判强奸了我. The ICE officer told me: ‘That doesn’t matter.’


Formed in 2021, 都柏林监狱团结联盟是目前和以前在都柏林监狱的人们及其支持者的伙伴关系. Coalition members include the ACLU of Northern California, the California Coalition for Women Prisoners, the California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice, Centro Legal de la Raza, Dolores Street Community Services, and Rights Behind Bars